
2023-08-10   手机访问


Baba Vanga 31 January 1911 – 11 August 1996 was a famous mystic that lived somewhere in Bulgaria's mountains that predicted some events accurately.


Back in the day when she still lived she predicted a few things, one of them was that WW3 would begin in November 2010.She is also well known for things she predicted that already came true.


People that learned and read her prophecies claim she predicted 9/11 back in 1989.


“Horror, horror! The American brethren will fall after being attacked by the steel birds. The wolves will be howling in a bush, and innocent blood will be gushing.”


They also believe she predicted the Russian disaster in 1980:


"At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it."


To be honest she made some seriously crazy claims as well.The claim or "prophecy" that might be relevant today is what she said before her death. She claimed that World War 3 will start in November 2010 and that it will grow worse than just missiles and guns.





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