世界之旅:Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布)

2023-05-26   手机访问


The Niagara Falls is located in the borderline between Canada and America in the east central North America, on a river that connected two of the five Great Lakes. The Niagara consists of two parts: the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side of the river, and the American Falls on the United States' side. They are about 50 Meters high, 1240 meters wide.

举世闻名的尼亚加拉瀑布位于加拿大和美国交界的尼亚加拉河上。尼亚加拉河是连接伊利湖和安大略湖的一条水道,湖水经过河床绝壁上的山羊岛(Coat Island),分隔成两部分,分别流入美国和加拿大,形成大小两个瀑布,小瀑布称为美国瀑布 (American Falls),在美国境内,高达55米,瀑布的岸长度328米。大瀑布称为加拿大瀑布或马蹄瀑布 (Horseshoe Falls),形状有如马蹄,在加拿大境内,高达56米,岸长约675米。 瀑布总50米高,1240米长,河道上横亘着一道石灰岩断崖,水量丰富的尼亚加拉河经此,骤然陡落,水势澎湃,声震如雷。

Niagara Falls comprises three distinct cataracts. The tallest are the American and Bridal Veil falls on the American side, separated by tiny Luna Island and plunging over jagged rocks in a 180ft drop; the broad Horseshoe Falls which curve their way over to Canada are probably the most impressive. They date back a mere twelve thousand years, when the retreat of melting glaciers allowed water trapped in Lake Erie to gush north to Lake Ontario. Back then the falls were seven miles downriver, but constant erosion has cut them back to their present site. The falls are colorfully lit up at night, and many say they're most beautiful in winter, when the grounds are covered in snow and the waters turn to ice.

瀑布有3个,位于美加两国国境上,中间以山羊岛(Goat Island)隔开,在美国那一侧的叫美国瀑布(沿著河流的右手边),在加拿大国境内的叫加拿大瀑布或马蹄瀑布。小瀑布即美国因其极为宽广细致,很像一层新娘的婚纱,又称婚纱瀑布。由于湖底是凹凸不平的岩石,因此水流呈漩涡状落下,与垂直而下的大瀑布大异其趣。因此尼亚加拉瀑布也成为了情侣幽会和新婚夫妇度蜜月的胜地。






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