
2023-12-03   手机访问


A family reunion at a Wuhan restaurant ended in outrage and indigestion when an in-law suggested everyone split the bill for their Spring Festival meal.

The story boiled over on social media, triggering debate among users on how to handle the unsavory situation.
According to a relative, a woman surnamed Li, appetites were spoiled at the Spring Festival dinner when her mother-in-law's younger sister proposed going Dutch on the nearly 2,000-yuan (320 dollars) feast, news site cnr.cn reported on Monday.


Li said that in the past the mother-in-law and her two sisters would take turns treating the family to dinner. But this year she said the resulting arguments left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. It was unclear from reports in what way the check was ultimately settled.

Many on social media said they would feel uncomfortable about splitting the bill, a practice that is not encouraged in traditional Chinese culture.
"Splitting the check for a reunion dinner may hurt family relationships. We only have one reunion meal every year and we should not bother about the money," wrote a Weibo user.
However, some argued the suggestion was a practical one considering the rising costs of dining out.



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