
2024-03-28   手机访问


The human brain is a remarkable thing.

It can do things our primate relatives are thousands - maybe even millions - of years of evolution away from, and our most complex machines are not even close to competing with our powers of higher consciousness and ingenuity.
And, oddly enough, even without any injuries or structural malfunctions, the human brain can get weird all by itself - turns out, it's surprisingly easy to trick it into seeing and hearing things that aren't actually there.
As demonstrated by the guys in this 2016 Scam Nation video on YouTube, if you create a situation of intense sensory deprivation using some common household objects, you can induce some really strong hallucinations that mess with both your sense of sight and sound.
You're going to need:
Sheets of light, white paper
Cotton padding
Rubber bands
Stationery, including scissors, tape, a stapler, and string
A YouTube video of old television white noise or static that runs uninterrupted for at least 30 minutes
Noise-cancelling headphones


The effects usually start to show after about 10 to 30 minutes.

After 20 minutes, the Scam Nation guys reported seeing "blooms of colour" - like those you see when you rub your eyelids - that would soon form shapes, such as dinosaur silhouettes, jellyfish, and the Eye of Sauron.
One heard screams, and the other heard laughter.
Sounds like nonsense? Well, sure, we have to take the word of two dudes on YouTube for this particular scenario, but what they're doing actually follows the principles of a scientific phenomenon known as the Ganzfeld effect.
The Ganzfeld effect describes how when you're exposed to "an unstructured, uniform stimulation field" - such as seeing blackness and hearing constant television static - your brain responds by amplifying neural noise in an effort to find missing visual signals.
This can result in both visual and aural hallucinations like the guys in the video describe.
Of course, every person will experience the effect in different ways.




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