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狼与老太婆(The wolf and the old woman)



  • the wild cat's city

    野猫的城市 There lived many animals in the forest. They had never seen a city. And they wanted very much to know what a city was like. One day, th...

  • The mice held a meeting

    老鼠开会 The mice held a meeting Long ago, some mice kept getting attacked by a cat. So they held a meeting together. and discussed what to do. At ...

  • The Wolf and the Sheep

    狼与羊群 The Wolf and the Sheep The wolf tries his best to eat the sheep in vain because the dog protects the sheep. The wolf decides to use a tric...

  • The Tortoise and the Rabbit

    乌龟与兔 The Tortoise and the Rabbit乌龟与兔 The tortoise and the rabbit quarrel about which can run the fastest. 乌龟和兔子争辩谁跑得更...

  • Wa Wa Newspaper

    哇哇报 Wa Wa Newspaper In a big beautiful forest,all the birds fly together and are holding an important meeting.The owl is the chairman of this mee...

  • Little Duck

    小杜克 Little Duck Long ago, in Denmark, there was a student called Duck. Because he was smaller than the others,all his classmates called him littl...

  • the wolf and the sheep fleeing into the tem

    狼与逃进神庙的小羊 Being chased by a wolf the little sheep flees into a temple. the wolf says to the little sheep: If you dont come out quickl...

  • Three Butterflies

    三只蝴蝶 Three Butterflies There were once three beautiful butterflies in the gargen . One was red , One was yellow and third was white. Every day ...