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瓶子颈(Bottle Neck)

时间:2014-02-18 22:26点击:


Bottle Neck
A bottle on the counter of a shop is full of valuable champagne.It is smooth and elegant looking.One day,a young man quickly bought it,and took it to an engagement party.
The man is a sailor about to go to sea,and the girl is a craftsman's daughter.She is a pretty girl.The craftsman decides to have the engagement before the fellow leaves.
Their guests all congratulate them.The father takes the bottle firmly in his hand and with a "pop",the stopper flies and the champagne bubbles spills out from the top.
The bottle thinks:the other bottles from the factory are surely not as lucky as I am;How lucky to bless the happy couple! It is so exciting that its heart is pounding...
Fur craftsman puts down the bottle and holds up his glass to say:"Son and daughter,I wish you good health,cheers!"
The fellow kisses his wife-to-be and the empty bottle and says:"My dear,I will take this bottle.When I come back,I will fill it with the best foreign wine and use it for our wedding!"
The next day,the fellow go to the sea with the bottle.
The man and his bottle are caught in a storm.The boat is thrown on the huge waves...They have no time to escape from disaster.The man quickly takes a piece of paper and write some sentences:"Dear wife,I will never see you again because of
the storm.I wish you happiness.Your faithful husband."
The bottle did not expect this fate.It does not know where to go.So it floats on and on,also it knows it can not go on floating,it would eventually come to land.
Finally,the bottles reaches the shore,where somebody picks it up.Now, several years have passed.The people take out the paper from the bottle,but they are not able to read it. They are more interesting in the paper than in the bottle.
Some people continually come and ask to read the paper.But no one can.
In end,the letter becomes faint because it has been read again and again.
From then on,the people put it into the bottle and place it into the cabinet.The bottle has been there for some years.
Later,when the people clean the cabinet,they put it into a dusty and untidy basement.
The bottle stayed there for many years.It sighs,seeing the dust and spiders.It had not expected that it would be so lucky but then be abandoned in this and that corner.It stays there for 20 years.It is found when the house is demolished.Someone
finds it and washes it.That paper in it has been rinsed away.It is filled with seeds and covered with a lid.
It begins a new journey.Somebody takes it out in a bag.The bottle is well preserved."It should have been destroyed"someone says.Hearing this,it almost cries because it hears it's mother tongue.Then it's put back into the dark cellar.
There is a party being held in the garden,where the colored lantern is hanging which shines like tulips. It is a nice night.The stars are twinkling and the moon is brighter than before.Many bottles are standing on the fence.More are hanging on the tree.Among the guests,There is an old maid without any relations.She does not recognize the bottle,nor does the bottle recognize her.But God knows she and the bottle had a good time together before.
The bottle goes to a hotel away from the garden.It is filled with beer.An aerologist buys it.He will go up into the sky by air balloon next week.A few people come and watch the scene including the old maid who looks at it.
In the blue sky,the bottle feels pretty glad.It says:"This is a new trip where will be no danger from submerged rocks!"
Then, the balloon begins to sink. Silently,the bottle falls down,down,down.When upside down,the bottle feels the sunshine.Then, it seems to be pushed by something.It is thrown out of the basket and falls on to the roof of the house.
Since it is going so fast,it is broken into pieces.Only is the bottle neck unbroken,falling in front of the house,where the old maid lives.
She picks it up and says:"It can be used as a bowl for the birds.So the woman fetches a stopper to cover it and puts it into a cage.So the bottle neck becomes a water bowl.The bird sings and receives it.
The woman silently thinks of her former happy days,looking at the bottle,who does not know her.But it also is recalling the time when it was the witness for the loving couple.