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Change gallbladder

时间:2017-03-21 15:23点击:


Change gallbladder
A rabbit was unhappy about her courage, so she often thought,"I wish I could be braver, how I wish I had a leopard's gallbladder. At the same time, the leopard was so brave that nobody dared to get close to him. He was quite lonely so he thought "If I had a rabbit's gallbladder, I'd have many friends." One day, the leopard found the rabbit and they discussed about changing their gallbladders. Then they change their gallbladders.
Now th rabbit had the leopard's gollbladder,she had felt himself as big as an elephant. she was so proud, she was now looking down upon many other animals.
A little squirrel greeted to him "Hello rabbit." The rabbit didn't answer but went forward to fight with squirrel. The squirrel was quite frightened, what happened to him? "There must have been somthing wrong with him." the squirrel thought. He didn't want to quarrel with the rabbit, so he just climbed quickly up the tree.
The rabbit saw the squirrel ran way, he felt so delighted."Ha it's my turn to be the king of the animals." He suddenly saw a big wolf under a tree," Ha you're so proud to me before , today I'll give you a lesson ." he said to himself and jumped in front of the wolf. The wolf was frienghtened to hear the sound but when he opened his eyes and saw it was just a rabbit. He laught out "Ha Ha Ha, It's true. I'm just waiting a hare by a stump. I'm so lucky today." with the words the wolf bitted the hare with his mouth ,just then came the sound of some foot steps nearer and nearer. The wolf looked up, he saw a leopard. Of course he was frightened with the leopard so he left the hare quickly and ran away.
But the leopard himself was running for his life. He had met a fox, and because of the hare's gollbladder, he was so frightened that he ran this way.
Therefore he met the rabbit. Seeing the leopard the rabbit and said "Leopard now i see, It's even worse to only have leopard's gallbladder without true skills."
The leopard nodded and said " I think so, even though I have a gollbladder and strengh, they can became useless without courage, so let's just change our gallbladder again."