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Mr coward

时间:2017-03-21 15:08点击:


Mr coward
A man lived in a nice house
He was called mr coward
Because he was very cowardly
One day
A rat came into his room
And mr coward began to run after it
He caught it in the baseroom
Let me go
The rat struggled and said
If I step my feet
The house will collapse
MRcoward was afaird of that
So he let the rat go
And he allowed the rat to live in the baseroom
There were so much food in the baseroom
The rat had enough to eat and enough to drink
He was so joyful
Then the rat gave birth to a dozen children rats
Quite soon they grew up
The baseroom was full of rats
Then big rat said to mr coward
Oh So many rats live in one baseroom
But you yourself live in so many rooms
It’s not fair
We must change around
Mr coward was surprised
Yes change rooms
You move to the baseroom
And the rats move upstairs
They sang and danced in the large living room
Ate and drank in the bright kitchen
Everyday was a festival for them
Soon after that
The rat said to him once again
Now you shouldn’t leave here
just live somewhere outside
the big rat shouted
what a nice baseroom
you have no right to live in it
mr coward stamped his feet very angrily
Mr coward knocked at the table heavily
The rats were frightened
they all ran away in all directions
They though it was an earthquake
Oh I’m powerful indeed
The coward saw what happened and said to himself
Then he seized the broom
And began to beat the rats
Some of the rats were hit badly on the back and cried terribly
So they tried to run away as soon as possible
Now can you guess what was mr coward like
After that
Was he still a coward