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Hearsay become true

时间:2017-03-20 22:19点击:


Hearsay become true
A long time ago,
a brood of hens
lived in a villiage in Denmark.
They lived together in a big house
and were very happy.
At dusk,
this brood of hens retured one by one and went to sleep.
After a while,
in the hen house,
there was the sweet sound of snoring.
The white hen did not sleep well.
She felt itchy under her wing.
perhaps the weather was too hot and the sweat made her skin itchy.
So, she pecked the bottom of her wing with her beak.
Finally, she did not feel itchy any longer.
Seeing the feathers on the ground.
She said softly:"now I feel better after pecking.
I can have a good sleep.
Unfortunately, some of feathers came out."
The white hen said this again amd again and then quickly went to sleep.
A colored hen heard What the white hen said.
At that time, the colored hen was sleepy.
She slept after hearing this.
As soon as she awoke, she recalled this matter again
and said to another hen: "last night, I heard a hen say,
do not stint your own feathers. Hens can be more beautiful
with some pecked off."
The owl on the tree top heard what the coloured hen said.
The owl husband amd wife began to talk about it.
mother owl said:"I have never heard of this before, that a bird
would peck out her own feathers in order to look nice."
Fater owl said:"perhaps this is an attempt to win the roosters favor."
The owls' conversation was heard by the pigeons, their neighbors.
They started arguing about it.
A pigeon said:"the hen that plucks out her feather in order to win the
cock's love is stupid."
Another said:"the motive is pure because she is sacrificing for love."
Mother pigeon disagreed with this idea.
With sad tears, she said:"the hen is very passionate.Doesn't she konw
she will become ill without feathers? How will she live through the winter.
How pitiful the hen is!"
The next day, the sparrows taked about it and began to twitter.
They also told the chickens the news:"Have you heard the astonishing news?
Some hens are fighting for the love for a cock day and night.
Their feathers have been pecked out.Now they have died for love."
The news that the hen died for love apread abroad.
All the chickens were talking about it.
When the hen who pecked out her feather in orther to get rid of the
itch heard this.
She felt sorry for the hen.
Couldn't we constantly strive to become stronger?
In order to educate all the hens,
the white hen decided to report the thing so that it would stop.
After a few days,
the news was reported in the newspaper.
The report was that: A group of hens forgot their self esteem
and sense of humour and had a fight.
The result was that they died disastrously.
Up until now,
nobody knows what really happeded.